Month: October 2023

Island Breeze Performance !!

Today for our school assembly we were very lucky because a group named the Island Breeze came to perform for us. this experience was very funny and entertaining for me. If I had to rate the performance it would be a 8.5/10 because the speaker was really good at making jokes and really did an amazing performance for the islanders that were watching. After that he taught us about excepting others and never tell anyone that you are not unique. Overall I am very grateful to the performers for letting us experience that amazing performance for Glen Taylor School.


Today for maths task we are learning about rational numbers and irrational numbers and how to properly use it in maths. Did you know that there are so many more numbers in maths then you think? Also we learnt about what the words whole numbers and natural numbers and integers mean. Whole numbers is the number 0 counting forwards. Natural numbers means the number 1 counting forwards. lastly the word integers means the number 0 counting forwards and backwards but when your counting backwards it becomes negative.

Probability Games/Maths

Today for maths this morning we did 3 fun and exiting activities. The 3 activities was the bottle flip challenge,flip the card challenge, and lastly we had greedy pig  the rules for the 1st activity aka the bottle flip challenge activity was pretty simple and very challenging because you have to get a water bottle then fill the water bottle up to the percent of your choice then you’re supposed to flip the water bottle 10 times and then see how many times you can get the bottle to land out of ten tries. Overall my favourite activity would definitely be the bottle flip challenge because the feeling you got when the bottle landed was priceless.

Maths learning task:

Today for maths I learnt how to calculate numbers using range,median, and mode. I also learnt that to use range you arrange the numbers from smallest to largest and also I learnt what the word mode means. The word mode means the number that appears the most. Lastly median means arrange the numbers from smallest to largest then eliminate the numbers from smallest to biggest until you find the middle number.

My Australia Holiday

I went to Australia with my uncle on September 12th for a 2 week holiday. I travelled to Melbourne. It was really fun. We went to the movies and watched the new Ninja turtle movie. We also went to an arcade and played mini golf. I also played some basketball because there was a basketball court right next to the house I was staying in. My cousins and I also went to explore the mall. Going to Australia was an amazing experience.