Month: November 2023

Cybersmart Quality blog posts

Today for Cybersmart I had to go on my blog and look for one of my blog posts that have the 4 most important components which are the category’s and tags, unique and interesting title,digital learning object and the last which is the most important information about what I learnt. I chose my athletics blog post because I looked to see if it had those 4 important components and I strongly agree that it did because it had interesting words and the post was only about the big topic which was athletics day. But it also had a lot information about what I did and it answered the question which was, Did I have fun?

Athletics day 2023

Last Friday on the 10th of November Glen Taylor School hosted an athletics day event. This event was a very competitive and exciting event because we got to dress up as our house colours and compete in a variety of fun and exciting activities. One of the fun activities that was one of my favourite activities of all in this event was the well known sprints activity. This activity was my favourite because it was involved with running but also another reason why this activity was my favourite is because heaps of my freinds are very fast runners and I like to have competitions with them sometimes because I am very competitive as well. Overall I am very proud of my performance for racing my friends but I think I can do better then what I did. After the races it was lunch time and the day before we were asked if we wanted to pay/order food like sausages and ice blocks,drinks. My thoughts on this event it that it was very fun and competitive.